Mother's Day 2021


My Mum always tells me off and reminds me it is Mothering Sunday not Mother’s Day which is an Americanism and loved by greetings card manufacturers! I love the name Mothering Sunday. It reminds me of all those girls in service over a hundred years ago who used to walk home to see their mums with a little posy of wildflowers picked on the way!

It’s so different now. Thankfully, it’s so different from last year too. Valentine’s Day 2020 was relatively normal but with a little sense of panic on the horizon. Would the virus hit us like other countries? We now all know the answer sadly. Last Mother’s Day I worked alone as we moved closer and closer to lockdown and the massive change to all of our lives. I delivered many of the bouquets myself and the sense I received from the Mums was one of nervousness but sheer delight in the flowers from their children.


This year, I have a lovely selection of flower arrangements to choose from and each bouquet is named for ease. Unsurprisingly my bouquet called ‘Hope’ is proving extremely popular this year. It’s a vibrant mix of gorgeous spring flowers, my favourite! Spring flowers are so positive and that is the sense I am feeling! We have all worked hard to get through the three lockdowns and it does seem that life will get back to normal soon.

So if you would like to order flowers for Mothering Sunday (hope you’re reading this Mum!) give me a call or send an email and let’s get the ball rolling! Still can’t have customers in the shop but you can collect them from me or have your flowers delivered.

Get in touch.

jane walker